omg i can tell u ==~
russian language is not easy ..damn confusing~ lol!!
so far can keep up but then my brain slowly die again~
hahaha XD so mafan lor ==!
the damn alphabet like split into 2 set
crylic and handwritten~ both also differnt!!
but they same pronounceation ==
somemore got wat the 6rule of russian words?
==!!! but i knw few simple wan xD haha!
я люблю твой
~i love you~ xD
but its prounouce as
~Ya Lubieket viy~
got lot more ler~ but i lazy to write XD haha!
a met few ppl T.T haihz~
sad nya~ only 3 ppl goin pre-med includig me
the rest all 1st year ==!!
only 8 ppl goin T.T~ haihz~
really miss my F5k bros at Aimst ler T.T
damm boring lor back here ==
jadi driver back hahaha!