People always say “stop wasting time with your lame jokes”… but I say “hey..go eat shit!” XD …There will always be time to enjoy…and time to be serious .To balanced them is hard..its not easy but seriously..some things..just come by heart.You don’t have study 24/7 everyday to gain every little tiny bit of comes by experience.But at least “wasting time” its also a time to just sit back & relax =D!!
and all you need..are just some crazy & sarcastic people to brighten up a shitty day.
oh ya by the way..this is my Russian/Curator for my group.One of the best I ever had.Seriously..well..since she now knows my tricks in class but still its fun messing around with her.XD! Beats having to sit down all day doing grammer craps & concluding papers rite? So just sit back & chill =D!
Even meaning going to the same place *I think its my 5th time here again* to the same place for excursion the same place..same usual story again but slightly different environment with the teacher =D!
So..seriously? 4hrs of excursion is better? or 4hrs of grammer,dialog,text,test is better? you decide ~ "
”Your old enough to make your own”
Desmond Boon
Lol..that line which he always used on me…>.< in any or every situation