haha some of might say this is waste..
or some say dumb/stupid or watever ler
i gladly agree~ but wat to do..
its like a guys thing XD "big toys"
well today was my off day~
erm so i decided its time for my car
to get his new "shoes"
since the old is kinda run down tho~
so i went to somewhere in penang
near farlim
*sry i dono the road name or the shop name*
last time i came b4 d~
so go chg n trade in my old 13'' rim for new 15'' inch xD
it took kinda while~ but it was worth it
the only painfull part was the giving the money part T.T
n the knocking part T.T
imagine rm1440 so many notes of rm50,10 n rm5 on ur hand
just gone in less den a minute T.T haihz~ but it worth it~
to me tho XD i dono how will i survive from my parents
this wan r...erm "Not for public viewing"
XD hahaha
15"inch Lenso Samurai Concept
weee~ no wheels XD
aww man~ ruin the pic
went to squash go play wit ivan~
my god i suck man literally~
my god i suck man literally~
haha lost touch d T.T
to tell u the truth~
i miss goin squash ler..
my god == cant believe i said dat haha~
fuh left 10 more days to go~
den im free again XD
now im planing wat to do on last day~
this wan r...to be continued ler
nyway to my dear readers..
plz plz dun say it in my fs ya
i scared "she" read it
den i die lagi worst when working time xD
trust me she wont read blog wan
i think? XD hahaha!