wow! its been so long since i updated my blog
haha sry to all~
been bz wit my school exam this lately
well at least i can comfirm 1 thing?
even copying in physics n moral
STILL FAIL!!!!! =.=n also add math
hahaha!! god so relieve exam finish~
but 2 more weeks time..trials T.T
but 2 more weeks time..trials T.T
well been a while d~so long didnt go out
wit friends d~
today didnt go to schooL~
went to chun's house around 8 something
lolx! go play com,ps2 xD
OWN U ALLin tekken! XD
wrestle wit jason for a while
later do add math work! XD
den later go swimming!~
lolx in the middle of the afternoon xD
it was a blast
just dat erm i learnt a new lesson today
Never judge a plastic by its look!
u knw at the side of the pool?
u knw at the side of the pool?
there is small drain rite?where excess water usually go in wan?
they usually use a plastic cover to cover it
they usually use a plastic cover to cover it
i tried running den jump on chun hing xD
run run run. STep *piak*
whole leg stuck in body go water leg stuck in drain
rwar!!its seem dat my 2nd toe missing
"skin" xD haha
haihz si pek soi nya
3.2.1. GO!!!
but later go up~
go play Fatal Frame 3.=.=
damm if play at night sure kenot sleep
dats wat happen to ian,andrew n chun xD
Chun tried to close the whole room xD
but nt really dat scary xD hehe~ later
ian,ch,jason all football mania d~
we pula call mcD !lolx! 1st time!
mcD so damm KALOT i tellu
she said to us the price is 102 for
wat we want..when come missing jason
fillet 'o'fish xD haha
but still same price! lolx!
after dat i go back~
go play ran,cabal, den sleep~ZzzZ
den study =.= which seriously no mood
later go prayers in the temple~
Nice r my flower arrangment XD
n 1st of all i would lyk to say sry >.<
i didnt mean to erm how to put it this way?
"release an unwated gas" at "dat" place~
xD but seriously i got massive diarrhea prob man!! >.<
tia kar si bo lang! come home
ok lar i wana sleep d all =)
ok lar i wana sleep d all =)
to be updatedd soon
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